So I'm a woman. But I've been living with a man for quite some time. And this man is no-nonsense logical. And I really mean it. He likes things logical. And being with him for this long, well, it's made me like logic also. I can't claim that logic is the basis of all my thoughts, words, and actions, but I like the general theme throughout my communication experiences.
For instance, if someone says, "I want the green shoe lace" and they really want the blue, it drives me nuts. And if someone comes into the room, looks at you funny and storms out because you didn't bring them a drink of water because you didn't read their mind, that drives me nuts also. By the way, that incident has actually never happened so please don't assume it actually did. And I don't enjoy having to make sentences like the one I just wrote because I don't like it when people assume!! You know what you do when you assume, right? You make an out of u and me. And those three things are the pitfalls of most women. They say things they don't mean and mean things they don't say and expect things without verbalizing them and then back-talk when expectations are unmet. And then all the while, they are reading gestures and gleaning little bits of overheard conversations and assuming what they will with the fragments. Then they base all of their thoughts and emotions on the assumptions that are incorrect in the first place. And all they had to do was suck up the courage to speak their thoughts, admit their assumptions, and declare their expectations. So does it boil down to lack of courage? Who knows? I'm definitely not immune to these horrible vices, but I'm working toward it.
I don't like the games of manipulation. It was never healthy for Anyone to manipulate anyone else. And if you've never experienced it, (which if you haven't you are a very very lucky person) it comes with a feeling of being pressured on all sides to do something you're not comfortable doing. Once, in one of my wards in Utah there was a woman that would call me and talk to me for hours and hours. I literally COULD NOT get off the phone with this woman. Jared had almost no sympathy for me when he came home and I tried to complain. His reply, "Well, tell her you don't want to talk anymore if you don't want to talk anymore. You're letting her control you." So, slowly, I got the gall up to tell her the truth: I need to get off the phone. That's it. No excuses (I'm in the bathtub--which I would really climb into the bath to say that). Once I even lied--the baby is crying. That one's hard to admit. I also don't like liers. Personal integrity is a gem. Anyway, I wouldn't even give her a reason. I didn't even NEED a reason. I make my decisions based on what is best for me and I don't need any excuses. If you do, you're playing into the guilt they're trying to make you feel. If someone is feeling depressed and acidic and they try to infect you with the same, it's manipulation. And if someone tries to make you go somewhere or get something or be someone you're not, that's manipulation. Petty looks, off-hand comments, cold shoulders. They're all the tools of a manipulator. A manipulator who gets some kind of sadistic pleasure from making people do things they don't want to do. And someone who doesn't have the courage to be truthful and who doesn't bestow respect on those they push around. I guess this is a pretty sticky rant, but I needed to say it. I don't like these things and I never will.
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